Water Resources

The Water Resources Committee manages the ongoing maintenance of our lakes.  Some of their tasks include: 

Please read the 2020 Dam Report.

2023 Lake Management Summary:

1.       Treated for Algae and Weeds in early June on all lakes.

2.       In July, Aquaweed conducted an extensive Water quality testing on all three lakes. The results have been published online and in the waterlog.

3.       We will continue testing each season now that we have a base line established.

4.       Algae treatment on Neva was done in July and a spot treatment for lily pads on Brendel.

5.       Harvested on Thompson and Neva in August for weeds.

 In conclusion, harvesting and chemical treatments together has been an effective method of weed control/and being environmentally engaged in the past years. The weeds have been unusually minimal the past two seasons and we are treating them chemically and harvesting where needed. We will continue to monitor next season and treat/harvest accordingly.

Water Quality tests showed normal levels in all categories with a slight elevation in E.coli on Neva but not dangerously high and within limits. This is typical with hot weather and rains washing into the lake.


Corey O'Higgins

Water Resources

Lakewood Village

All Septic Systems Require Maintenance

Faulty septic systems have become a more common issue throughout our association. 


Proper maintenance is strongly recommended as a way to prolong the use of our aging systems.  Many homeowners that have recently moved into our neighborhood from localities with sewer systems may not even realize they have a system that requires maintenance.  There are two significant benefits of appropriate maintenance:


Your board of directors have little expertise on this subject but wanted to make sure you were aware of this issue and recommend you contact a local septic system company that can advise you of the proper maintenance to your system. 

Thank you.

Brendel and Neva Water Quality Report   

July 2023

Attached below is the complete water quality report from Aqua Weed for Brendel and Neva lake conditions for July 2023. Everything is within the normal range.  E-coli a bit elevated but not dangerously high. This is typical with the hot weather and occasional rains washing into the lake.  

In addition, Lake Neva and canals were treated for algae about July 20th.

Thank you for your support of Lakewood Village.  Together, we can continue to have a great neighborhood!

Andy Kozicki, Water Resources

Lakewood Village

Weed Treatment Update July 2023.pdf

Brendel and Neva Lake Conditions Update 

June 2023

I have received some questions in regard to the lake level, some large floating-moving patches in the water and also the water clarity in Brendel Lake. To address those we have spoken with Aquaweed (the company that does our chemical treatments and are water quality testing) and they have provided the following information:

  1. The floating patches we have seen are an algae that is moving thru the lake and likely move on. It is not sediment being caused by any erosion or construction in the area.

      2. The water clarity has been worse the last few years due to an unusual amount of phytoplankton (an algae) in the water. This is a natural occurring process of the eco system of the lake and not to be of concern.  They have also noticed this occurring in other lakes in the area. This has also contributed to lower weed growth the past 2 years.

   3. Our lake level may seem low but is normal for this time of year based on rainfall and the regulated overflow from Cedar Island Lake.

    4. If residents on Lake Neva and Thompson have noticed these conditions the same will apply. If you have seen anything different, please notify Water Resources.

If you have any questions, please contact me. 

Corey O'Higgins

Water Resources Board

Lakewood Village

Water Resources Update May 2022

Brendel Lake Weed Treatment Update

AquaWeed surveyed the Brendel canals with Corey last week.  They also did the first macro algae treatment on the Brendel canals.  No weed issues were found in the Brendel canals.

Below is the treatment schedule for Brendel canals algae control program.  We can change this schedule as directed and if bad weather occurs.


Lake Neva Weed Treatment Update

AquaWeed treated the Bogie Rd. canal for algae and noted milfoil and curlyleaf pondweed growth at mid water column in many places in the canals past the bridge over Ellinwood (Thompson Lake).  We recommend a weed treatment in those areas before Memorial Day as we expect these weeds to be at the surface in a couple of weeks or sooner.  Please see attached map of the affected areas in Lake Neva.

AquaWeed didn't see a problem at the other Neva canals or Neva’s main lake as of yet.

Thank you,

AquaWeed and the Water Resources Committee



Here is the update from this year’s weed harvesting:

1.  The harvesting company was contracted to cut roughly 64 acres of designated areas and will be harvesting for 9-10 days on all three lakes.  They have been provided maps with lot numbers and the areas that require harvesting.  Routine trouble areas have been pointed out as well as lily pad areas to be cut or not cut.

2.  Three to four harvesters will be used to maximize efficiency, plus one off-site weed conveyor, and necessary dump trucks to haul away debris.

3.  The harvesting company is responsible for disposing of the weeds.

4.  The harvesters try to get most of the floating debris, but if some of it does go to shore, they have agreed to pick it up off the homeowner’s beach area, if the homeowner will rake it to shore.

5.  This year, the Water Resources group will sign off that we are satisfied with the work before the Harvesters can leave the lakes.


Common questions:


1.How deep do the harvesters cut?

   Ans: They will cut to a maximum depth of 5 feet where water level permits.  Per the DNR/DEQ, they are not allowed to disturb the bottom biomass.

2. How close to docks will they get?

   Ans: 2-3 Feet depending on obstacles.

      3.  How close to shore can they come?

   Ans: The harvester needs 18” to float.  Normally the harvester can come within a few feet of shore.


      4.  What is the cost of Beach Cleanup?

   Ans: $135.00 per 80 ft of frontage.

Beachfront cleanup/waterfront cleanup is the removal of vegetation in the water as close to the shoreline as they can get and out approximately 20ft from shore. This does not include any onshore or under docks cleanup.


      5.  How to people sign up for Waterfront cleanup?

    Ans: Starting July 5th you can:

1.      Email oaklandharvesters@gmail.com

2.      Or Text 248-767-7822

Please leave your name and address and lot number if you know it.

Oakland harvesters will get flags to you to put out on your shoreline.


      6.  Who is the point of contact for Beach cleanup signup and issues?

          Ans: Ty Nuottila at Oakland Harvesters 248-767-7822


      7. Who will address issues or complaints of areas that the harvesters missed or need to return to improve?

Ans:  LVIA Water Resources group will address any general harvesting issues.  Please do not contact the Harvesting company directly.  Please call the Water Resources members listed below if you have areas of concern or that need to be revisited and reference the address and lot number.

1. This year if you live on Neva or Thompson your points of contact are:

Andy Kozicki: 248-889-2837   ajaykoz@aol.com   

Dave Zabinski: 248-954-3134   dzbnsk@comcast.net 

Al Kozlowski: 313-999-0147   kozloclown@gmail.com 

2. For Brendle Lake: Corey Ohiggins: 248-867-4951  cohiggins@comcast.net 

3. There will also be a few Canal Captains on Brendle to help monitor harvesting.   Harry Evans, Terry Crossett, and Kim Turner will monitor their canals and will report progress to Corey Ohiggins.

Water Resources 2020 Lake Management Summary for Brendle, Neva, & Thompson Lakes

Here is a brief summary of the Lakes' status, including challenges in 2020, performance and results of our chemical company (Aqua Weed) and harvesting company ( Oakland Harvesters) and notable Accomplishments, along with Areas of Concern.

 2020 Challenges:


 Performance of Vendors:  

Aquaweed and Oakland Harvesters will be evaluated in the coming weeks by the Water Resources Committee using input received from residents throughout the summer.


 1. Aquaweed stayed on top of chemical treatments and were responsive when called on for algae bloom outbreaks.

 2. Oakland Harvesters completed harvesting on all three lakes, along with waterfront cleanups.  327 Cubic yds. of weeds were harvested and disposed of.

 3. Lake Neva stayed relatively clear of algae this year and despite low water levels Neva and Brendle did not have weed issues that could not be managed. 

 4. Had an enjoyable summer of boating, swimming etc.

 5. Met with residents on Thompson to listen to concerns.

  Area of Concern:

 1. Discussion needed with residents and vendors regarding algae on Thompson and better results from harvesting on some areas of Thompson, i.e. beach and island areas. 

 2. Set clearer expectations to residents on what kind of results to expect from Chemical treatments and Weed Harvesting. 

 3. Provide clearer explanation to our vendors of our expectations and areas to be harvested, primarily with our harvesting contractor.

 4. Look into other possible means to manage algae growth and blooms.

2020 Weed Harvesting

Weed Harvesting for Brendle, Neva, and Thompson lakes is currently scheduled to start Monday July 13th. ( This date could be subject to change) . Waterfront cleanup services will be offered . To schedule and provide billing information for waterfront cleanup please email only (Do not  call) OaklandHarvesters@gmail.com

Flags will be issued by Oakland Harvesters and need to be put out on the Resident's property shoreline for waterfront cleanup identification.  Flags can be picked up at 7481 Biscayne Ave. starting July 6th.  Please direct any questions for billing procedures or comments directly to Oakland Harvesters. 

Algae - Is It Safe to Swim?

posted Aug 26, 2019

There have been a lot of questions on the Algae.  Is it safe to swim and safe for our pets?  We spoke to the company that does our chemical treatments and they informed us the algae is not of a toxic variety.  With that said the board members are not biologist or chemist's and unfortunately cannot offer an opinion as to what folks should do or not do.  What we can provide is the number for Aquaweed 248 634 8388 (ask for Dick) and the DEQ 269 567 3500 for people to call and ask questions so they can make an educated decision. 

The Board and Aquaweed are doing everything they can to help resolve the matter.  Unfortunately, we are not the only lake in the area experiencing this problem this year.  Feel free to Corey O'Higgins or Andy Kozicki if you have any questions.